Citizens and attorneys advocating for change through education, awareness, and legislation.

Report an Unsafe Trucking Incident

What to Report: Reckless or endangering behavior, indicators of improper loads, signs  that a driver may be fatigued or any other indications that a large truck may be engaging in unsafe activity, or possibly causing crashes

Your information will not be shared with any other entity, but you may be contacted by us for further details about your situation. Your report may be included anonymously on our website in the near future.

Contact Information

First name (required)

Last name

Email (required)

Incident Information

Date of sighting

Approximate time of sighting

Where did this occur (ex. street, intersection)

Which state did this occur in (required)

Vehicle Information

Type of vehicle

Trucking company (if known)

License plate number (if known)

What was the truck carrying

Additional details (description of accident)